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Fineo Glass Review

Fineo Glass Review - a guide to vacuum glazing

Fineo Glass Review

Detailed Fineo Glass Review: Unbiased insights into this glazing solution for informed decisions. Explore Fineo Glass today!

A Guide to Fineo Glass

Welcome to our comprehensive Fineo Glass review, where we aim to provide you with an impartial and informative exploration of this glazing solution. Our focus is on Fineo Glass and its various aspects, from its features and applications to performance and more. We understand that choosing the right glazing solution can be a complex decision, so we’re here to offer an unbiased perspective that empowers you to make informed choices for your specific needs. Whether you’re interested in understanding the qualities of Fineo Glass, its applications, or simply seeking insights into glazing solutions, this review is designed to provide factual information without promotional bias. Join us as we delve into the world of Fineo Glass and its place in the realm of glazing solutions.

Fineo Glass Logo
What is Fineo Glass?

Fineo Glass is a modern glazing solution known for its innovative design and performance in energy-efficient construction and contemporary architecture. It is recognised for its versatility and high-performance attributes within the industry.

Overview of Fineo Glass:

At its core, Fineo Glass is a vacuum-insulated glazing unit that redefines the way we approach windows and glass applications. It’s engineered to provide superior insulation and thermal performance, making it an ideal choice for both residential and commercial projects.

The Fineo Glass Product Range

Fineo Glass offers a range of solutions tailored to different needs and applications:

Fineo Heritage 

Fineo Heritage is tailored to suit heritage buildings and traditional architectural styles, seamlessly combining classic aesthetics with modern energy-efficient features. It aims to preserve the historical charm while addressing contemporary energy efficiency needs.

Fineo Hybrid 

Fineo Hybrid, on the other hand, is designed to meet the performance requirements of modern construction. It offers high levels of insulation without sacrificing style or functionality, making it suitable for contemporary architectural designs and energy-efficient projects.

Fineo 8

Fineo 8 offers exceptional thermal insulation with a low U-value of 0.7 W/m²K. It has a slim 7.7mm profile, making it suitable for both new construction and renovation projects, combining energy efficiency with a modern design.

Where is Fineo Glass Made?

Fineo Glass is made in Belgium by AGC Glass Europe, a leading manufacturer of innovative glass solutions.

Fineo Vacuum Sealed Units

One of the key innovations that set Fineo Glass apart is its vacuum-sealed unit. This design minimizes heat transfer and condensation, resulting in superior thermal performance and energy efficiency. Fineo Glass creates a comfortable and sustainable indoor environment while reducing energy consumption.

IIn summary, Fineo Glass offers a range of glazing solutions, including Fineo Heritage and Fineo Hybrid, designed to meet various architectural requirements. It incorporates vacuum-sealed units, contributing to its energy-efficient profile. In the subsequent sections, we will explore Fineo Glass in greater detail, covering aspects such as pricing, installation, common considerations, and applications.

Section 2: Fineo Glass Pricing and Cost

One of the most common questions surrounding Fineo Glass is, “Is Fineo Glass expensive?” In this section, we will delve into the pricing and cost considerations associated with this innovative glazing solution, providing you with a clearer understanding of what to expect.

Is Fineo Glass Expensive?

Fineo Glass is often perceived as a premium glazing solution, and its pricing can indeed be higher compared to conventional glass options. However, it’s essential to look beyond the initial cost and consider the long-term benefits it offers, particularly in terms of energy savings and comfort.

Factors Influencing Fineo Glass Pricing:

Several factors can influence the cost of Fineo Glass, including:

1. Product Type: Fineo offers different product variants, such as Fineo Heritage and Fineo Hybrid, each with its own pricing structure. The choice of product will affect the overall cost.

2. Size and Configuration: The size and configuration of the glazing units you require will directly impact the cost. Larger or custom-sized units may cost more.

3. Installation Costs: Proper installation by certified professionals is crucial for Fineo Glass to perform optimally. Installation costs, which vary by region and complexity, should be factored into the overall budget.

4. Glazing Expenses: Additional glazing components, such as frames and hardware, can contribute to the total cost. These elements are essential for ensuring the durability and performance of Fineo Glass.

5. Energy Efficiency Benefits: It’s important to consider the long-term energy savings that Fineo Glass can provide. While the initial investment may be higher, the energy efficiency and reduced heating/cooling costs over time can offset this expense.

6. Local Market Conditions: Fineo Glass pricing can vary depending on your location, local demand, and market conditions. It’s advisable to obtain quotes from multiple suppliers to compare prices.

How much is Fineo Glass?

The exact cost of Fineo Glass can vary widely based on the factors mentioned above. To get an accurate estimate for your specific project, it’s recommended to reach out to Fineo Glass suppliers or certified installers in your area. They can provide customised quotes based on your requirements.

Fineo Glazing Cost

The glazing cost, which includes the price of the Fineo Glass units and associated installation and framing expenses, should be considered as a comprehensive investment in your building’s performance, comfort, and sustainability.

In conclusion, while Fineo Glass may come with a higher initial price tag compared to standard glazing options, it offers numerous advantages in terms of energy efficiency and long-term savings. The overall cost will depend on various factors, including the product type, size, installation, and local market conditions. When considering Fineo Glass for your project, it’s essential to assess its value in terms of enhanced comfort and reduced energy consumption over time.

Section 3: Common Fineo Glass Problems

Navigating Micro Pillars in Fineo Glass

A distinctive feature of Fineo Glass is the presence of micro pillars that separate the two panes of glass. These micro pillars play a crucial role in maintaining the vacuum insulation between the panes and are an integral part of Fineo’s energy-efficient design.

Fineo Glass Micro Pillars

  • Number: Fineo Glass typically has 2,774 dots (micro pillars) per square meter.
  • Visibility: Fineo’s micro pillars, due to their higher density, may be potentially visible under certain lighting conditions. However, their translucent grey design is intended to minimise their impact on visibility, ensuring that they do not significantly obstruct your view or detract from the aesthetics of your windows.

Comparison with LandVac:

To provide a clearer perspective, let’s compare the micro pillars in Fineo Glass with those in LandVac

AspectFineo GlassLandVac
Micro Pillars2,774 dots per square meter267 dots per square meter
VisibilityPotentially visible with higher densityTranslucent grey, almost entirely invisible

As seen in the comparison table, Fineo Glass features a higher density of micro pillars per square meter compared to LandVac. While the micro pillars in Fineo Glass may be potentially visible under specific lighting conditions, they are designed with a translucent grey appearance to minimise their impact on visibility.

It’s essential to consider your specific preferences and priorities when choosing between Fineo Glass and LandVac, as the visibility of micro pillars may vary between the two glazing solutions.

In conclusion, Fineo Glass utilises micro pillars to maintain its vacuum insulation, and while they may be potentially visible in certain situations due to their higher density, efforts have been made to make them as inconspicuous as possible. 

Safety Issues

Addressing Safety Concerns: The Importance of Toughened Glass

While Fineo Glass offers numerous advantages in terms of insulation and energy efficiency, it’s important to consider safety as well. One critical aspect of safety in glazing solutions is the type of glass used, particularly the choice between toughened (tempered) glass and standard annealed glass.

The Importance of Toughened Glass

Toughened glass is designed to be significantly stronger and safer than standard annealed glass. It undergoes a specific heat treatment process that imparts durability and resilience, making it a preferred choice in various applications, including windows and doors. Here’s why having toughened glass is crucial:

1. Enhanced Safety: Toughened glass is engineered to break into small, relatively harmless fragments upon impact, reducing the risk of serious injuries. In contrast, standard annealed glass can shatter into sharp, dangerous shards that can cause severe harm.

2. Strength and Durability: Toughened glass is more robust and resistant to breakage than annealed glass. This added strength makes it ideal for applications where safety is paramount, such as in homes, schools, and commercial buildings.

3. Resistance to Thermal Stress: Toughened glass can withstand greater temperature variations without breaking, which is essential for windows exposed to sunlight and temperature fluctuations.

4. Code Compliance: Many building codes and safety regulations require the use of toughened glass in certain applications, especially in areas prone to impact or potential danger.

Why Standard (Annealed) Glass Is Not Desirable

Omitting toughened glass in windows or doors may result in safety concerns and is generally not recommended for several reasons:

1. Safety Risk: Annealed glass, when broken, forms sharp shards that can cause severe injuries, posing a significant safety hazard, especially in areas where people are in close proximity to the glass.

2. Low Impact Resistance: Annealed glass is more prone to breakage upon impact, whether from accidental collisions or extreme weather conditions.

3. Code Non-Compliance: In many cases, the use of annealed glass may not comply with building codes and safety regulations, leading to potential legal and liability issues.

In conclusion, while Fineo Glass offers outstanding insulation and energy efficiency, it’s essential to consider the safety aspect of glazing solutions. Opting for toughened glass as a standard choice can significantly enhance the safety of occupants and ensure compliance with relevant building codes and regulations. While specifying toughened glass may result in a slightly higher cost, the long-term safety benefits far outweigh the initial investment. Your peace of mind and the safety of those within the building are priceless.

All LandVac units feature toughened glass as standard.

Section 4: Understanding Glazing Bars in Vacuum Glass Windows

Preserving Tradition in Modern Glazing

Glazing bars, once an integral element of window construction, have gracefully transitioned over time to encompass both functional and aesthetic aspects. In this section, we look into the pivotal role of glazing bars within vacuum glass windows, exploring how they bridge the gap between contemporary convenience and historical authenticity.

The Tradition of Glazing Bars:

Glazing bars, also known as muntins or sash bars, harken back to an era when windows were adorned with multiple smaller panes of glass held together with narrower strips. This architectural style, notably prevalent in the design of Georgian windows, contributed a distinct character to structures of that time.

Modern Advancements in Glazing Technology:

Ongoing innovations in glazing technology have resulted in the ability to produce larger glass panes, rendering the practical necessity of traditional glazing bars obsolete.

Nevertheless, the appeal of tradition and the desire to recapture the timeless elegance of vintage window designs continue to inspire the use of glazing bars in contemporary construction projects.

Applied glazing bars diagram
Applied Glazing bars on a standard double glazed window

Applied Glazing Bars vs. Through Bars:

Contemporary window design offers two primary methods for incorporating glazing bars: applied glazing bars and through bars.

Applied glazing bars, in the form of strips or facades affixed to the glass surface, artfully simulate the appearance of divided panes. This approach is frequently embraced when replicating historical window styles, offering a cost-effective solution to evoke nostalgia.

Through bars, on the other hand, stand as genuine structural components that physically divide the glass panes. Their application, though less common due to cost constraints and size limitations, upholds a more authentic portrayal of heritage window aesthetics.

Vacuum Glass and Glazing Bars:

Vacuum glass, renowned for its exceptional insulation attributes, emerges as a preferred choice for heritage projects and historic edifices seeking energy-efficient solutions.

Within the realm of vacuum glass, applied glazing bars are more commonly used, particularly when crafting replica windows intended to mirror the appearance of traditional divided panes.

Fineo Glass, catering to the demands of true heritage projects, produces a heritage window featuring through bars, ensuring an authentic representation by concealing plug and getters to capture the essence of historic charm.

Balancing Tradition and Performance

The choice between applied glazing bars and through bars in vacuum glass windows often necessitates a judicious balance between the preservation of historical authenticity and the fulfillment of performance prerequisites.

While applied glazing bars frequently offer a cost-effective and suitable solution for many projects, through bars reign supreme for authentic heritage restorations, delivering the most faithful representation of a bygone era.

In conclusion, glazing bars still play a crucial role in today’s window designs, especially in heritage projects aiming to preserve the look of older buildings. Using applied glazing bars in vacuum glass windows offers a cost-effective way to balance tradition and efficiency. However, for the most authentic historical restoration, it’s best to opt for true heritage vacuum units with real through bars.

Comparison of Glazing Bars in Fineo and LandVac

Types of Glazing Bars Offers both applied and through bars.Primarily utilises applied glazing bars.
Plug and Getter  Ensures authenticity by concealing plug and getters.Plug and getters are potentially visible.
Focus on Heritage RestorationProvides genuine through bars, ideal for heritage restoration projects.Applied glazing bars may be preferred for cost considerations.

Section 5: Fineo Glass Applications

Versatile Solutions for a Wide Range of Projects

Fineo Glass, with its cutting-edge vacuum-insulated glazing technology, finds application across various contexts, offering solutions that enhance comfort, energy efficiency, and historical preservation. In this section, we look into the diverse applications of Fineo Glass, from renovation and new construction to restoration, and share real-life examples of its successful utilisation.

Applications of Fineo Glass

1. Renovation

Fineo Glass is a suitable option for building renovation, offering improved insulation while preserving the authenticity of older structures.

Real-life Case Study: House in Holten

During the renovation of this building, the original windows, which were still in good condition, were preserved. Fineo Glass, with its slim profile, seamlessly integrated into the existing frames, resulting in a substantial enhancement of the building’s insulation. The installation of vacuum glazing was swift and straightforward, immediately elevating occupant comfort.

2. New Construction

In new construction projects, Fineo Glass offers glazing technology that aligns with contemporary building requirements, delivering high-performance solutions.

Real-life Case Study: Belnine

The Belnine project harnessed the power of Fineo Hybrid to achieve unparalleled thermal insulation and acoustic performance. Located on a busy street, Belliard Street, the building faced significant noise pollution. Fineo Hybrid’s exceptional acoustic attenuation capabilities, achieved within a limited thickness, not only enhanced the building’s energy efficiency but also created a tranquil and comfortable indoor environment.

3. Restoration

Fineo Glass can be used in the restoration of historical buildings, where preserving authenticity is paramount while improving insulation.

Real-life Case Study: Townhall Tiergarten

The Townhall Tiergarten project in the heart of Berlin, Germany, exemplifies the restoration potential of Fineo Glass. It was used to retrofit the inner pane of the box windows of the building, covering a total area of 1,300 square meters. This iconic project marked a significant milestone in Germany’s restoration efforts, combining modern energy efficiency with historical preservation.

These real-life case studies illustrate the practical applications and benefits of Fineo Glass in diverse projects, showcasing its ability to enhance comfort, energy efficiency, and historical authenticity.

In summary, Fineo Glass’s versatility makes it a suitable option for renovation, new construction, restoration, and sash windows, offering solutions tailored to specific project requirements. Whether the goal is enhancing insulation in a historical building or creating an energy-efficient space in new construction, Fineo Glass provides glazing technology to address contemporary needs.

Comparison of Fineo and LandVac Glazing Solutions

In the context of renovation, new construction, and restoration projects, Fineo and LandVac offer different glazing solutions with varying performance characteristics. Here is a comprehensive comparison of these two options:

Renovation: Fineo vs. LandVac Heritage

Performance AspectFineo 8LandVac Heritage
U-value (W/m²K)0.70.4
Acoustic Reduction (RW)3039
Thickness (MM)7.78.3

New Construction: Fineo vs. LandVac Optimum

Both Fineo and LandVac produce a hybrid triple glazed unit that combines vacuum glazing with a standard cavity for optimum performance.

Performance AspectFineo HybridLandVac Optimum
U-value (W/m²K)0.50.4
Acoustic Reduction (RW)3541
Thickness (MM)25.725.1

Restoration: Fineo vs. LandVac Heritage

Performance AspectFineo HeritageLandVac Heritage
U-value (W/m²K)0.70.4
Acoustic Reduction (RW)3539
Thickness (MM)11.38.3

These tables provide a detailed comparison of Fineo and LandVac glazing solutions in the context of renovation, new construction, and restoration projects. The choice between the two options will depend on the specific requirements and priorities of your project, considering factors such as insulation, noise attenuation, and thickness.

Fineo Glass Alternatives

Competitors in the Vacuum Insulated Glass Industry

In the field of vacuum insulated glass, Fineo Glass competes with several manufacturers offering their own vacuum glass products. These competitors provide alternatives with unique features and capabilities. Here are some notable competitors to Fineo Glass in the vacuum insulated glass industry:


LandVac is a prominent competitor known for its vacuum insulated glass technology. Similar to Fineo Glass, LandVac offers high thermal insulation and sound reduction properties. It provides options for both heritage and modern glazing applications, making it a strong contender in the market.

Read about LandVac Heritage Glass HERE

Read about LandVac Optimum glazing HERE

International manufacturers not available in the UK:

Pilkington Spacia

Pilkington Spacia is a well-established vacuum glazing product designed to deliver energy-efficient solutions. It stands out for its thinner profile compared to traditional double glazing and is recognised for its thermal performance and clarity.

Pilkington Spacial has currently been withdrawn from the UK market.
Visit the Pilkington website: 


VacuMax by Vitro is another manufacturer of vacuum insulated glass units. They focus on delivering excellent thermal insulation and noise reduction while offering a variety of sizes and configurations to suit different project requirements.

VacuMax is available in North America, Canada and Mexico.

Visit the VacuMax website: 


V-Glass is a supplier of vacuum insulated glass units designed for improved insulation and reduced heat loss. Their products cater to both residential and commercial applications.

V-Glass is only available in the U.S. and is very much in the development phase, being a small operation surviving on government grants and glass donations. It’s run by Peter Petit and you can visit the website here: 

When considering vacuum insulated glass solutions for your project, it’s important to explore these competitors and their respective products. Each manufacturer may offer unique advantages and applications, whether you prioritize energy efficiency, acoustic performance, or architectural design. Conducting a thorough evaluation and consulting with industry experts can help you make an informed choice that aligns with your specific project requirements.

Fineo Suppliers

A list of Fineo Glass Suppliers can be found here:

Visit our distributors page to find a LandVac supplier in your area.


In this comprehensive review, we’ve examined Fineo Glass, a notable glazing solution in modern architecture and energy-efficient construction. Fineo Glass employs vacuum-insulated glazing technology, delivering enhanced insulation and thermal performance suitable for residential and commercial projects.

Our review covers diverse aspects of Fineo Glass, including pricing, installation, performance, applications, and safety considerations. We’ve discussed factors affecting pricing and emphasized the benefits of long-term energy savings. Micro pillars in Fineo Glass were analyzed and compared to LandVac in terms of visibility and impact.

Safety considerations highlight the importance of toughened glass for residential and commercial use, ensuring compliance with safety codes. Glazing bars in vacuum glass windows are explored for their role in blending tradition and modernity, catering to heritage and contemporary projects.

Real-life case studies demonstrate Fineo Glass’s versatility in renovation, new construction, and restoration, addressing various architectural needs, comfort, energy efficiency, and historical preservation.

Lastly, a performance comparison between Fineo and LandVac glazing solutions offers insights into their suitability for different projects, providing a balanced assessment.

In conclusion, Fineo Glass and LandVac both offer distinct glazing solutions, each with its unique features and benefits. Whether you’re preserving the charm of heritage buildings, seeking modern efficiency, or prioritising specific aspects like safety and performance, your choice between the two will depend on the specific requirements and priorities of your project. Both products have their strengths and applications, and your selection should align with your project’s needs for enhanced comfort, energy efficiency, and architectural considerations.